Movie: Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Year: 5/16/2008
Opening Weekend: $56,573,000
Theatres: 3,929
Director: Andrew Adamson
Plot: Sequel to Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It has been 1,300 years since Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy saved and Ruled Narnia away from the White Witch. Narnia is in turmol and the Narnians have been in hiding after Narnia had been invade by a group known Telmarines. Prince Caspian is the designated heir to the throne. His uncle is the kingdoms regent and rules until Caspian is of age. However, Miraz, his uncle, finally has a son and orders Caspian's death. Warned to run by his tutor and given a horn that can summon help, Caspian heads to the woods where he stumbles across some Narians that he has only heard stories about. The Narians attack him, but he manages to blow the horn and in doing so, Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy and summoned back into Narnia. They meet up with an Elf and leads them to Caspian and from there, the battle to save Narnia from King Miraz begins.
4 popcorns out of 5
Impressions: I enjoyed this movie a lot. The only reason it doesn't get a 5 out of 5 is some story discrepency. I usually keep the movies separate from the books when they do book adaptions because so many are a lot different then their books. This time there were only a few discrepencies and I didn't mind them. They did add to the story some, but I still only give a 4 when they do not follow the story of the book. My favorite book adaptation is the Pride and Prejudice Miniseries from A&E (they did a great job). The story here is great. I love fantasy and action and this movie is full of it. The special effects are great. I really enjoyed the acting of all involved. The young man they have protraying Prince Caspian (although older then he should have been) did a supurb job. He looked familar to me so I looked him up and he had a small part in one of my favorite movies that came out last year which is also a fantasy movie called "StarDust". I can't wait to buy this movie when it comes out on DVD and I would see it again on the big screen if I wanted to spend the money. I anxiously await the arrival of the 3rd movie in the series and one of my favorite of the books. We won't get to see it till May 2010 a week after Iron Man 2 comes out. This Friday, I will be seeing the next Indy movie. I can't wait.