I went to see a 10:20 IMAX viewing of The Dark Knight and all I have to say is Wow! This movie was awesome especially on the huge IMAX screen. We sat in the 4th of 5th row right in the middle so we saw everything. Theater was sold out and I couldn't even tell. They had even added a 1:35AM showing on a Monday that is how popular this movie is right now and for good reason. It is definitely the best movie I have seen all Year!!
Heath Ledger is amazing in his role as the Joker and Christian Bale is stellar as Batman. The action was stellar and the special effects were topnotch. The cast of this movie was just spectacular. Ok I'm running out of Adjectives to say how much I loved this movie. I won't get into any plot here. But if you see one movie this year on the big Screen. See The Dark Knight!!
5+ Popcorns out of 5