Movie: Blade Runner
Year: 1982
Box Office: $32,768,670 domestically
Theaters: 1,325 widest
Director: Ridley Scott
Plot: Harrison Ford plays Deckard who is a Blade Runner, a police man of the future who hunts down and terminates replicants, artificially created humans. He wants to get out of the force, but is drawn back in when 4 "skin jobs", a slang term for replicants, hijack a ship back to Earth. The city that Deckard must search for his prey is a huge, sprawling, bleak vision of the future. This film questions what it is to be human, and why life is so precious.
Impressions: I just purchased the ultra special edition box set. It comes with 5 verisons of the movie. This movie was ahead of it's time and is still an aquired taste. I love the visuals of this movie. The pacing is a bit slow and I get a quiet feeling from the movie, but the actors do an excellent job with the material. Ridely Scot has such a vision in this piece that even though it is dark and dreary it really sets the story. It is one of the best sci fi pictures ever made in my opinion. If you have never seen this movie, it is worth a view just to make your own opinion of it.
Year: 1982
Box Office: $32,768,670 domestically
Theaters: 1,325 widest
Director: Ridley Scott
Plot: Harrison Ford plays Deckard who is a Blade Runner, a police man of the future who hunts down and terminates replicants, artificially created humans. He wants to get out of the force, but is drawn back in when 4 "skin jobs", a slang term for replicants, hijack a ship back to Earth. The city that Deckard must search for his prey is a huge, sprawling, bleak vision of the future. This film questions what it is to be human, and why life is so precious.
Impressions: I just purchased the ultra special edition box set. It comes with 5 verisons of the movie. This movie was ahead of it's time and is still an aquired taste. I love the visuals of this movie. The pacing is a bit slow and I get a quiet feeling from the movie, but the actors do an excellent job with the material. Ridely Scot has such a vision in this piece that even though it is dark and dreary it really sets the story. It is one of the best sci fi pictures ever made in my opinion. If you have never seen this movie, it is worth a view just to make your own opinion of it.